First off I want to apologize to the class for being slow in getting
Classes posted. There have been a few things out of my control keeping me from posting more often. With that said, I wanted to post a pic real quick and tell an amazing story from the slab yesterday.
Just when you thought scooting couldn't get anymore awesome, I find out that you can get a surf rack that mounts on your scoot. So far I have hit a top speed of 55 mph with the board on the side. No issues what so ever. The company that makes this rack is
Carver Surf Racks from Hawaii. The quality of this product is amazing. I would like to add I have one of their racks for my beach cruiser also and it is amazing as well. So if you live near the beach and surf, I recommend that you go out and get one of these racks!
The new topic I would like to start adding to the slab every week or so is Stories from the Slab. This will be a piece where all of you other soldiers will get to share your stories. Send me an email and I will make sure it gets posted up on the slab for the world to see. Please send all stories to scootlord@gmail.com.
Stories from the SlabIt was your typical Monday morning commute. Driving down Pacific Coast Highway, wishing I was paddling out to shred and not going to slave away behind a desk. Anyways, I had the Invader's playing in my ears just enjoying my daily combat commute. Now everyday is a battle on the slab, however, this one was a little different.
I was sitting at a red light just before Cardiff Reef. Normally I am super pumped to be here so I can peep on the waves, Cardiff is a great place to surf. So I am sitting there minding my own business waiting for the light to turn green. Next thing I know I feel like I have just been punched in the shoulder and my left side mirror was smashed. As I look up in disbelief I noticed the guy in the Toyota 4-Runner giving me the F@*# You arm-wave and flipping me off as he floors it. I'm no Master of Manners, but it seems to me that when you hit someone you probably don't want to run from the scene of the crime...not spew swear words at them...and not throw up signs. Oh, and maybe make sure the person is alright. Now I've had a few run ins before, but nothing like this. The little guy took off thinking he could out run the scoot. I think he forgot that we live in Southern California where traffic is still king. I caught up to him. Needless to say I was a little angry but I knew I had to represent for all the soldiers out there. I pulled up to his passenger window and proceeded to punch it as hard as I could. Maybe I need to work out a little more, as I was unable to break the window. I did manage to throw in a few "choice" words while telling him to get out of the car or pull over. In the mean time I had managed to back-up traffic in the right lane. He tried to figure out how to do speeds to get away from me but the slab wasn't going to let him. I finally figured out that it must have been a truly amazing sight to watch a guy on the transportation of master's trying to fight someone on the slab. I decided in the end that it was best that I get my commute back under way before the roller's caught wind of this little run in with a cager.
I probably didn't handle this situation in the best possible manner however I did keep it street. I did everything I could to represent to the fullest. Remember Soldiers to make sure and stay on point on the slab. I don't want to have any stories coming in about fallen soldiers. Keep it street and stay on 2!