My heart is heavy. A soldier has fallen. Josh Taylor passed on from this earth 6-17-2007. Josh was my friend, my brother, my family. His spirit will live on through the birth of his baby boy this October. Even though Josh was not a scooterist, he was a man who represented the true meaning of a soldier. He lived life like no one I have ever known. You couldn't help but smile when he walked into a room. His smile and laugh were infectious. Josh was a true soldier of the slab. He and another great man, Toby Reed, rode bikes across the country from Seattle, Washington to Bar Harbor, Maine. 3,900 miles in 44 days all in the name of raising money for the Starr Commonwealth Organization. An organization almost as great as this man, dedicated to building positive relationships for troubled youth. Josh, watch over us and help keep us safe on the slab that you knew all too well. Just know I will be holding it down for you here as will all of the other soldiers. Until we ride again my brother...Keep it on 2!
Love and Miss you Always,
1 comment:
Well said SL, Josh will be missed very much, but we can all rest asure that he is doing burnouts and mad skidz with the lord himself.. Josh was an amazing person, brother, friend, son, grandson, father, and husband.. He will never be forgotten..
Miss you love you, See you when we get there.
- Squan
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